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BOPs fundraisers directly benefit Haverford instrumental music students by providing musician uniforms, extra practice instruments, assistance with scholarships, community outreach, and personal trip-account accumulation.  Your participation in our fundraising programs is an easy way to help our music department and your student.


When you do Grocery Scrip or Raise Right gift card fundraising, half of the bonus BOPs receives goes into your musician's trip account.  What you raise for your musician can be used towards BOPs dues, Middle School trips, High School trips and senior banquet tickets.  Check out the Music Trip Information page to find out how it works for you.​


Current Fundraisers!

Spirit Wear Store

· The Haverford Music School Spirit Wear Store is Now Open!

· Check out the latest designs for t-shirts, hoodies, jackets & more!

· Please have your orders in by Wednesday, 9/25!


Football Marching Band Raffle

· In an effort to alleviate additional expenses for our families of Band and Orchestra curricular programs, in lieu of activity dues this year, BOPs will be ramping up their fundraising efforts starting with the raffle below!

· Buy your tickets (1 for $5 or 3 for $10) for a chance to win our fall raffle prize!

· All proceeds will go towards supplemental music needs of our band program.

· Prize includes: Fire Pit, 2 Camping Chairs, 2 Tumblers, Wearable Blanket, S’mores kit, Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Coffee, Apple Cider, Hot Cocoa, Popcorn, Trail Mix and More!

Drawing will be Saturday, October 5th


Grocery Scrip - Everyone buys groceries!


Raise funds while doing what you already do - The funds you raise add up quickly!


Grocery scrip are gift cards to area grocery stores.  When you buy them from BOPs, you build your child's trip account while supporting the Haverford School District's music programs.

BOPs sells grocery scrip year-round for the following grocery and specialty food stores:

  • Giant

  • Shop Rite

  • Acme

  • Colonial Village ($25 cards)

  • Young's Produce on Eagle Road ($5 coupons)


You buy denominations of $50 and $100 (exceptions noted) and use them like money at the check-out.  Every $100 of scrip you buy puts $3 into your child's trip account and $2 into the BOPs General Fund, which supports the student musicians in the School District. 


Grocery scrip can be purchased from the coordinators and at all band and orchestra concerts.  It is easy. 


BOPs also sells $6 coupons for Wawa hoagies and $2 from each sale goes directly to the student’s trip account! 


Grocery scrip and Wawa hoagie coupons are available by contacting:​


Gift Cards

Think everyday shopping, birthdays, holidays, whenever you or a loved one will spend money at one of the hundreds of retailers (and e-tailers) that participate.


Orders are submitted monthly for physical cards (see schedule for ordering on gift card info page), but with ScripNow, PrestoPay and MyScripWallet, you have many options to get scrip immediately!


In addition, you can purchase reloadable cards (e.g. CVS, gas cards, Acme, etc.) that purchase once through BOPs and then reload from your computer or smartphone.



Gift Card Fundraising


BOPs participates in "Raise Right" gift card fundraising. You or anyone in your family can purchase e-gift card (ScripNow downloadable gift cards), physical gift cards, and reloadable gift cards in many denominations.  The "Raise Right" web page and mobile app are easy to use and the amount of fund raised by vendor are listed on each. 


Participating businesses include everyday places where we shop including CVS, Target, Staples, Macy's, Bed Bath and Beyond, Bath and Body Works, Boscov's, Home Depot, Lowe's, Lands End, L.L. Bean, Pet Smart, and hundreds more!


Half of the rebate percentage of each order will be credited to your child’s trip account and the other half goes to the BOPs General Fund to support musicians in our School District.


Create an Raise Right  account for BOPs:

  1. Go to

  2. Click on the gray "Sign Up" button at the top right of the homepage.

  3. Under the heading "Join or Start a Program Today" click in the Enrollment Code box under "Join an existing program".

  4. Enter the BOPs Enrollment Code: 8LE8888E13927 and click "Join a Program"

  5. If you entered the Enrollment Code correctly, "Haverford BOPS/Havertown, PA" will appear with registration questions below.

  6. Complete all questions to register. 

  7. Important:  include your student's name and HMS/HHS music teacher in the Classroom/Group field.

How to shop

  1. Shop on the web by going to

  2. Shop on your smart phone (and get other perks) by downloading RaiseRight. 


Physical Gift Cards Ordering Deadlines:

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Saturday, December 7, 2024


E-Gift Cards and Re-Loadable Cards

With the e-gift cards and reloads of reloadable cards, you don't have to wait!  They come to your inbox!


Payment Options


On the website and the RaiseRight app, you can pay by a) credit card, b) Presto Pay (ACH), or c) by check (payable to Haverford BOPs) given to the Gift Card Coordinator. 

Check payment should be submitted soon after the online order is placed, and no later than the deadline.  Checks can be dropped off to the coordinator (Ruth Anne Yakscoe), or, for your convenience during the school year, to the HHS BOPs box or the HMS Big Red Box. Please let coordinator know when a check has been put in either BOPs box.


Complete details about gift cards, ScripNow (printable e-cards), payment methods and more can be found on the Support pages at


Contact Information:

Questions about Shop with Scrip or your Gift Card order call Christine Seewagen at â€‹610-505-9645  or email to


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